Code Enforcement

Office Hours:
Mon, Thu, Fri : 9am – 4pm
Wed : 12pm – 7pm

Beka Thompson
Code Enforcement Officer / Local Plumbing & Building Inspector
OFFICE: (207)-247-0647
CELL: (207)-468-3220

Julie Lemieux
Administrative CEO Assistant
OFFICE: (207)-247-0648



Click HERE to view FAQ

Helpful Links and Documents
Permit Pricing – Fee Schedule
Temporary Dock Permit Application

Building code supplement
Shoreline Zoning Buffer Standards
Ordinances – Web Page

Zoning map
Shoreland Zoning Map
Limits of authority of the Code Enforcement Office
Inquiry / Complaint Form
Property List, By Owner A-Z (4-2024)
Maine Flood Hazard Map, Website


Electrical – Electrical permit application
Electrical – Fee Schedule
Plumbing – Plumbing application
New Building – New Building Permit Application
Driveway Entrance –  Driveway Entrance Application

Road list – Town maintained roads list
New Record search for copies of septic systems:

Monthly Code Enforcement Memorandum Report
Monthly Report .January 2022 
Monthly report February 2022
Monthly report for March 2022

Building Inspections scheduled as needed with a minimum of 24 hour notice.

Plumbing and Electric permits must be applied for by the licensed plumber or electrician. (A homeowner may obtain a plumbing or electric permit if they are doing their own work in the house they live in as their primary year round residence)

Electric Inspector
Marcel Desrosiers
Phone: 207-286-6866

Electric permits can be obtained through the Code Enforcement Office during regular business hours.

3/4/2020 UPDATE:   With the recent additional rebates offered by the state on mini-split heat pumps, we feel it necessary to inform our residents that those installations require an electrical permit and inspections.   All companies should be aware that these installations require a permit but we have been finding quite a few installations done without permits.  We also find some installation errors and electric code violations that could cause you problems.  I also like to remind people that if you have an insurance claim and the insurance company does research and discovers there was an electric installation without permits or inspections, it is quite likely they won’t pay a claim.  We do like to protect our residents and it isn’t always about the paperwork or permit fee.   We genuinely care. 

Do you need to get a building permit? 
Section 7.2 of the zoning ordinance states: “After the effective date of this Ordinance, no building or
other structures shall be erected, moved, or enlarged in the area (including gross floor area) or volume without a permit issued by the Code Enforcement Officer. No building permit shall be issued except in conformity with the provisions of this ordinance or by a written order from the Zoning Board of Appeals. A building permit shall not be required for the replacement of roofing, siding and windows if no structural changes to the building are required as part of such work; the Code Enforcement Officer shall be consulted before starting work.”

If you do start work that requires a permit (building, plumbing, or electric) before getting a permit, the permit fee with be double or have a $250 penalty charged.  Sheds and swimming pools require a building permit.

Shoreland zone DEP contact information: 
Contact local DEP with questions related to any ground disturbance or construction within 75 feet of a water body please call 822-6300 to see if a permit from this is required. You can pick up a permit by rule form and the guidelines for submission from the code enforcement office.

Are you planning on work in a waterway or wetland? If so, a permit from the Army Corps of Engineers is required.
The contact number for the Maine Field office in Manchester Maine is 207-623-8367.