Update: 6/3/2024

Plantings are being completed and the gate will be installed in the next few weeks. The park will remain free of charge and no parking fee will be established. The gate will function automatically opening in the morning and closing after park hours in the evening. When the gate is closed, entrance will be blocked until the gate is reopened. If within the parking area after the gate is closed, the gate will be programed to open to allow traffic to continue out of the parking area. 

If you have any questions or concerns regarding the landscaping improvements, please contact the Town Manager at 207-247-0642 or townmanager@lyman-me.gov



Update: 5-22-24

Paving of the apron for the entrance is now completed. The parking are will remain taped off until Friday when paving will be set. Please avoid driving on the paved area until tape is removed. 

Plantings will be completed in June. The beach area will remain closed until plantings are completed. The boat launch is open.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding the landscaping improvements, please contact the Town Manager at 207-247-0642 or townmanager@lyman-me.gov



Update: 5-8-24

MDOT has completed the installation of the guardrail and the landscapers are scheduled to begin the hardscape installation during the week ending May 10th with weather permitting. 

Paving of the apron for the parking entrance is scheduled to begin mid May and the gate is anticipated to be installed within the same time frame. 

Plantings will be scheduled for early to mid June to ensure the best optimal survival of the plants. 

The entire project was parsed out in phases and as planned is expected to be completed by June 21st. 

We are aware of a tree down in the boat ramp area. The Town is working with DEP on permitting to have the tree removed. This is not part of the Landscape Improvement Project. 

We appreciate your patience while this project has been a long and endeavoring task.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding the landscaping improvements, please contact the Town Manager at 207-247-0642 or townmanager@lyman-me.gov




Kennebunk Pond Landscaping Improvements are anticipated to continue until late Spring. 

MDOT has been contacted and will be scheduled to replace and modify the guardrail along the beach side to allow for a crosswalk to be striped directly from the parking entrance to the beach and ADA walkway. Once the guardrail is complete, work can begin on the ADA walkway and beach area. Work is anticipated to begin early to mid April and finish by the end of April pending weather conditions. Striping of the crosswalk will be scheduled depending on weather conditions and availability of vendor. 

The gate area has been trenched and roughed in to prep for the install of an automatic gate system. Once installed, new flashing beacons for pedestrian crossing will be installed at the cross walk area between the gate entrance and beach. The gate system will be free of charge and set on a timing system to open and close at sunrise and sundown when the beach is open. Once closed, the gate sensor will be set to open for vehicles leaving form the inside of the parking area. Signage will be posted to display hours of operation and park rules. 

Finally, the plantings will be planted in late Spring to early Summer, depending on when nurseries have plant material available, and to ensure the best possibility of survival for the plantings. 

The beach, boat launch, and parking area will remain open to the public during construction. Some areas of the beach will be marked off to allow for work to be done.

We appreciate your patience while this project has been a long and endeavoring task.


If you have any questions or concerns regarding the landscaping improvements, please contact the Town Manager at 207-247-0642 or townmanager@lyman-me.gov



Page last Updated on June 3, 2024