Helping Neighbors Stay Warm

Donations of cash will be accepted throughout the year. Please make checks or money orders payable to Town of Lyman/Heating Fund

Accepting donations for this heating season
The Paula Smart Heating Fuel Assistance Fund

This has been the first year of this citizen supported initiative. This program uses no State of Maine funds nor any funds raised through taxation in the Town of Lyman. This program has been piloted this year from funds donated by the wonderful and generous citizens of Lyman.

Many thanks to the SelectBoard of the Town of Lyman who have agreed with me that this is a needed and worthwhile endeavor. Their support in piloting this program has been invaluable.

The Community Library was instrumental in getting this program off the ground. The Board of Directors through their chairperson, Dr. F.R. Bechard was willing to allow this project to piggyback on the existing nonprofit status. Even though this is not the route taken to jump-start this program, the Community Library has shown countless times that they are our community partner in every sense of the word.

Joe Roberge and Paula from R&R Oil. They took on this project and never questioned the who, what, where, or why. I said ” I need to send you money and develop a ghost account from which oil purchases can be withdrawn on an as-needed basis. I need this to be totally separate from the Town of Lyman accounts. Joe responded ” Whatever you need, we will make it happen” This program would not exist without them. I am so very grateful for their friendship and participation in this project.

The Donors; They know who they are; The cash contributions and the purchase and delivery of one ton of pellets to a family in need. The combined kindnesses of neighbors helped several Lyman families keep warm during one of the nastiest winters on record.